Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Letter From the President of RE Jewell PTO

Welcome to a new year at RE Jewell Elementary. Over the summer, we have worked hard to create new ideas and systems of planning that will help increase involvement and ways for everyone to have a voice for the decisions that are made.

This is our first year as a PTO. Please know that the same high standard of professionalism and respect toward providing what is best for RE Jewell students and staff is top priority. The change occurred with the concept of building off the strong foundation that has been created through the PTA and become an organization that provides more specifically to the needs of our school.

The PTO requires volunteers for the events and activities we put on such as: Fall and Spring fundraisers, Carnival, Book Fairs, Spring Activities, and much more. We will be creating committees for all of these. There will be various ways you can share your expertise and creativity to make these as successful as possible.  Being a part of this group will hep you build a stronger bond with the school, staff, students and other parents.

There are multiple ways you can be a part of the RE Jewell PTO.  Attending meetings allows your vote to count toward decisions that are made.  At meetings, we also provide educational presentations by Jewell staff to help parents understand programs and ways the students learn. As a PTO member, you will receive important informational emails pertaining to upcoming events and what is needed for them. These needs can be supplies, ideas, volunteers, etc.. I want everyone to understand that there are many ways a PTO member can help and be involved.  Emails will also provide the upcoming Agenda and Minutes from the previous meeting.  If you are not able to attend, you will still get the information.

We Provide free school aged childcare during meetings.  Meetings will be held once a month @ 6:00 pm in the RE Jewell Media Center.  Please look for those dates on the bulletin board across from the gymnasium, on the school reader board, emails, and the school newsletter.  If you haven't already signed up to be a member, please take a moment to fill out the membership form that was sent home with your child. Becoming a member is only $10 and helps pay for our annual insurance costs.  Please return the form to the front office, checks made payable to RE Jewell PTO.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you at our monthly meetings and in the hallways!

Jessica Malinowski
RE Jewell PTO President

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